Call for papers

Call for Papers for a special issue on the organ trade in crime law and social change

The ELPAT WG on Organ Trade and Trafficking has initiated a Call for a Special Issue on "the Illicit Trade in Human Organs: New Directions and Critical Perspectives from Interdisciplinary Research", to be published in the Journal "Crime Law and Social Change".

For this special issue, we welcome a broad range of interdisciplinary and methodologically innovative contributions that address neglected facets of the organ trade. Submissions can include a variety of topics, such as, but not limited to:

  • actors and activities of organ trade networks;
  • corporate and/or organized crime aspects;
  • transplant tourism; global health care inequalities;
  • law enforcement; criminal justice perspectives;
  • regulated organ markets; rewarded gifting; cultural aspects;
  • migration, people smuggling and organ sales;
  • online dimensions of organ trade; cybercrime aspects; virtual ethnography

Guest editors: Drs. Sean Columb and Frederike Ambagtsheer


Contributions presenting empirical data (through qualitative or quantitative research) are particularly encouraged. There is currently no deadline. All papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process, according to the common review procedures of Crime Law and Social Change. More information can be found here.